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It's me again....
And I'm back.... woo!
For some reason pics are not postin today, so this will have to be a text-only entry. A more personal (raw) entry.
Sort of booooring if you ask me. To make this entry more exciting I have one request for the reader: Please read this entire entry alound in your absolute best british accent. I will use as many common slang words as I can to make it that much more user-friendly.
Aren't I a cheeky monkey?
So things are getting more and more interesting in my life, big changes happening. As things get a little harder, so do I. (As in my skin, you perve) Might not be such a bad thing, actually. I could stand a little skin-toughening. Right time I stop living me life arse about face. I'm thinking it time for a bespoke holiday. Something sunny with lots of blokes, baccy and the means to get totally bloody bladdered.
I finally bought a buggery bleeding microphone for my homestudio. This is big news, as I no longer have to depend on outside studio time to record.
My friend Jon has a Showcase at Berlin in Chicago on Saturday night and everyone should go! I promise that it will be a new experience for you. He may possibly be throwing on a couple of my tracks as well. Quite exciting!
(Keep up that accent now)
I am currently in the beautiful suburb of Palatine, staying with my blokes Jeffrey and Adam. Last night was delightful, we made a delightful dinner, had a chin wag, burned it down, got totally bloody blitzed and watched the telly. I was fairly cheesed off about some personal crap, and they talked me down. Good friends.
I really need to stop fannying around and get my chunked-arse to the gym. Actually I have lost 4 lbs, which is good, but I don't think it has necessarily been a healthy weight loss. Ah well! Who am I to complain about which side of bread was buttered before it was handed to me. All I know is that the scale read "4 lbs lighter"
Alrighty, I'm back to putting the pieces of my life together since someone recently threw a spanner in the works. I'll be back with another post once I work out the blooming kinks.
TA, dars.