Now I know we are all supposed to love "radiant Katie" as she prepares for her mystical scientology silent birth (as we all know, aliens react adversely to loud noises) but I must say... she looks like a 7 year-old girl with half of a fat suit on in this picture.

And there are no words for that "blouse" she is wearing...
...except these: That shirt is so terrible, it makes her head look like a turd (with sunglasses on) that is being pushed out of the butt of a hostess cupcake. I had even cropped the picture and turned it upside down to help you visualize what I mean but for some reason it wouldn't post.
The Scientogoglists must have already hacked into my laptop. Those sons of bitches.

And there are no words for that "blouse" she is wearing...
...except these: That shirt is so terrible, it makes her head look like a turd (with sunglasses on) that is being pushed out of the butt of a hostess cupcake. I had even cropped the picture and turned it upside down to help you visualize what I mean but for some reason it wouldn't post.
The Scientogoglists must have already hacked into my laptop. Those sons of bitches.
James brought up another funny point... Her entire midsection as it's own entity, vaguely resembles the face of an ape or cro-magnon man. Creepy and hilarious.
James is lazy and refused to post this comment himself, which is why I am doing it. Faggot.
Emma, stop defending the people I bash in my posts. If you want to do that, start your own pussy blog. You could call it PUSSYBLOG.
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