1. to say something rapidly, indistinctly, and with a spitting sound, as a result of anger, embarrassment, or another strong emotion
2. a short explosive spitting or choking noise
3. what happens in your pants when you read this blog
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I've been a busy bee the last few days, I apologize for not getting a blog up. But I promise that today's post will make up for lost time.
Sorry I've been a bad blogger.
OK! So, First off some pics from Karaoke with friends a few nights ago. Our friend Susan was in town, and it was nice to have her back in chi-town for a couple days. Susan AND her fabulous shoes. Unfortch there are no pictures of Susan at this time, but there are pictures of BIGGAYME and delightful Sarah.
Here is one of me singing HIGHER LOVE by Steve Winwood. Goodtimes a la Jerri Blank.
Here is one of Sarah and I who, I must say, were particularly silly that night. Please take note of Sarah's hair in this picture. It's like she was riding a roller coaster. Perhaps the roller coaster of life? You decide.
The night was tons of fun and I can't wait to do it again.
This is my favorite Commercial ever, starring none other than Matt LeBlanc.
I love the new what ever happened to section, I mean Mayim, honey we all love you but do you relaly want to be a nuerosurgeon or is it just the most preposterously over acheiver type profession that might make a washed up child star look not so washed up. Acutally it is a fairly clever ploy.
Also could you imagine going in to get that tumor removed from your brain and seeing blossom welding a scalpel right before you go under.
I love the new what ever happened to section, I mean Mayim, honey we all love you but do you relaly want to be a nuerosurgeon or is it just the most preposterously over acheiver type profession that might make a washed up child star look not so washed up. Acutally it is a fairly clever ploy.
Also could you imagine going in to get that tumor removed from your brain and seeing blossom welding a scalpel right before you go under.
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