I sure have been at the office a lot lately. I'm pretty thrilled about the fact that I have no choice but to take off all weekend... They are shutting down the power in my office building for some routine maintenance crap. What will I DO with myself? I'm pretty flippin thrilled, to be honest.

Maybe I'll bake a cake!

Maybe I'll blog some more. Maybe I'll work on my music... Maybe I'll do pilates and draw. Maybe I'll sit on my rumpster and pick my butt.
I'll definiely be watching this documentary on Jackie Curtis that I just got from Netflix.
"Jackie Curtis is not a drag queen. Jackie is an artist. A pioneer without a frontier." -- Andy Warhol
I'm intrigued. Can't wait. I also have to clean my room. As it pretty much looks like this:
This is good. A couple days away from the office is a good thing.