Hello all you sons of bitches.
I am currently at work whilst I type up this new entry (shhhhh, don't tell my boss)... I am thrilled to bits to be starting up my blog again. It's about damn time! It's been months since my last entry and after some dramz, a few thousand Philly cheesesteaks, a 500 pound weight gain and a total and complete halt of personal investment in society (aka Britney Spears), I'm ready to start it up again.
I'm typing this to you now as a primer of sorts... I'm planning on not only cleaning up the content, but also on giving the ole port bow a little scrub-a-dub; a little face lift and reworking of the look as well. My format is going to change, but I think that it is going to provide smoother usage for the reader and will allow me to make more frequent updates as i see fit so i will not have to cram everything into one daily entry. Better for linking, better for loading, better for searching, all around better bloginess.
I would also very much like input from any readers out there... topics that you'd like me to bitch about, sluts you'd like me to make fun of, movies you'd like me to rip to shreds, etc. I'm really doing this to provide some entertainment for the reader, and because I am just generally bored with things and need to break that down how I do... you know. How I DO. So why not get reader input? Shit. So if you assholes have any ideas, email a bitch at splutters@gmail.com.
By the way, this is also a great way for me to get my crazies out of my headzies. Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch. It is like therapy for me and people seem to find my disappointment in and regular abuse of humanity rather amusing.
It's a win win, really.
So let's do dis shit, folks. My blog'll be hitting y'all with a tummy tuck and a fresh shot of the botox, starting this Monday. See you then, suckaz!!
Welcome back!
I spluttered a little.
Can't wait!
You are ridiculously cute. That lady, however...
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